Il laboratorio “gubibguitars” è situato nel vecchio nucleo del comune di Lamone, in un ambiente tranquillo e luminoso. La costruzione delle chitarre è molto personalizzata ed apprezzo il rapporto umano che nasce tra il chitarrista e me. La scelta dei materiali, come ad esempio qualche legno in cui ritrovare un legame affettivo, e le decorazioni in abalone o madreperla sono al 100% personalizzate. Lo strumento deve avere un legame particolare con chi lo sceglie e lo crea, il chitarrista lo deve sentire SUO!
Adoro i legni indigeni (noce, ciliegio, rovere, acero e frassino) poiché sento un forte legame con essi e la nostra splendida terra. L’equilibrio ed il timbro che ne scaturiscono sono sorprendenti come pure i colori e le varianti create dai disegni delle venature. Uso comunque, a seconda delle richieste, anche tavole in palissandro, cocobolo, ziricote, pau ferro, padouk, peroba, bubinga, ecc.
Su richiesta costruisco qualsiasi forma, creando l’apposita dima, eseguo due tipi di spalla mancante (veneziana o fiorentina) e l’arm-bevel (smussatura dello spigolo sotto il braccio destro).
Qualche volta mi dedico anche ad alcune piccole riparazioni, ma molto raramente. Tutte le chitarre sono ottimizzate con PLEK® Machine.
The “gubibguitars” laboratory is located in the old nucleus of the municipality of Lamone, in a quiet and bright environment. The construction of the guitars is very personalized and I appreciate very much the relationship arises between the guitarist and myself in such a period. The choice of materials is 100% personalized being e.g. an exceptional wood to which the guitarist can feel an emotional bond or as well the guitar’s decorations of abalone or mother-of-pearl. The instrument must have a particular bond with the human who choose and create it, the guitarist must be able to feel it as HIS!
I love native woods (walnut, cherry, oak, maple and ash) because I feel a strong bond with them and our beautiful world. The woods’ balance and timbre are surprising, the same are the colours and variations created by the wood grains. Nevertheless, I use on demand also rosewood, cocobolo, ziricote, pau ferro, padouk, peroba, bubinga, etc. tables.
Depending on the customer’s desire, I am structuring any shape and creating the appropriate template. Furthermore, I perform two types of cutaway (Venetian or Florentine) and arm-bevel.
Sometimes I also dedicate myself to some minor repairs, but very rarely.
All guitars are optimized with PLEK® Machine.
“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” (Edgar Allan Poe)
The same do I. I have always loved to dream and one of my dreams has finally come true in 2013 when I built my first guitar with my own hands!
Natural materials – and especially wood – have always attracted me.
I was 17 when due to family reasons it was not possible for me to participate in the entrance exam at the Cremona Violinmaking School. After studying at the Conservatory and obtaining a diploma in classical guitar, I taught many years as a teacher of music in public schools.
40 years later, my curiosity led me to resume my dream and I contacted Eros, who became a great friend of mine. He completely believed in me and agreed to accompany me while building my first guitar. Every creation/construction of a new instrument is a new challenge that I always face with great desire and curiosity. I do hope to be able to construct guitars for several more years and enjoy every fragrance and moment that my laboratory / Werkstatt? will give me.
Transforming this dream into reality was only possible thanks to the great trust that my wife and children had in me for which I am infinitely grateful.